San Diego Alumni Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
Training for Leadership Since 1911
About The San Diego Alumni Chapter
San Diego (CA) Alumni Chapter (W) of Kappa Alpha Psi Chartered
April 30, 1950.
During this time there were several Kappa’s’ in the city coming from the Middle Western states, Georgia and Tennessee. Most migrated to the city during World War II and worked in the defense industries, while others were in the educational fields as teachers. The Kappa men of San Diego regularly socialized and some worked together in their perspective fields. The closest Alumni Chapter was in Los Angeles. James O. Whaley, Bert Ritchey, King Taylor along with other brothers living in San Diego decided that it was time to have an Alumni Chapter. Since many of the men were married with families, the task to conducting the groundwork for Chartering of the Chapter was placed upon one of the youngest members of the Fraternity located in San Diego. Roy E. Logan initiated at the Alpha Mu Chapter (Lincoln Mo.) relocated to San Diego and was attending San Diego State College. He was tasked to secure all materials and begin the foundation for the Chartering of the San Diego Alumni Chapter. Thomas Bradley, who had been appointed as Polemarch of the Western Province in 1947 and was instrumental in providing guidance and assistance in getting the San Diego Alumni Chapter chartered.
The San Diego Alumni Chapter was established with James O. Whaley as Polemarch and Bert Ritchey as the Keeper of Records. The Charter members of the San Diego Alumni Chapter are: James O. Whaley, Bert Ritchey, Ernest Grady, Alpha Montgomery, Eugene Moore, Isaac Rollins, Robert Steele, King Taylor and John W. Young. Unfortunately Roy E. Logan had to leave San Diego for several years and was not listed as a Charter Member. He is however considered as one of the Charter member of the San Diego Alumni Chapter by all officer’s and members of the Chapter.
During the 70’s the San Diego Alumni flourished at both the Grand Chapter level as well as in Western Province. San Diego hosted the Western Province Council August 14-17,1975. On Sunday February 1, 1976 the San Diego Alumni Chapter and Delta Epsilon Chapter experienced a historical moment when joined by Founder Brother Edward G. Irvin, as they celebrated Founders Day. It was the first time any founder of Kappa Alpha Psi had visited San Diego. Brothers in attendance were Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Randall Bacon, the guest speaker, Province Polemarch Robert L. Harris and San Diego charter members Roy E. Logan, Bert Richey, Ike Rollins, Robert Steele, Past Province Polemarch James O. Whaley: San Diego Polemarch Dr. Wm. E. Johnson and Delta Epsilon Polemarch Tonny Fitch. At the 61st Grand Chapter meeting in Denver Colorado (1977) James O. Whaley received his Elder Watson Diggs Award from Grand Polemarch Hillary H. Holloway. Brother Whaley served as the Western Province Keeper of Records and Exchequer for 17 years and Western Province Polemarch for 2 years. San Diego Charter members, Bert Richie Past Province Board Member and James O. Whaley Past Province Keeper of Records and Exchequer continued to be a strong force in the San Diego community and received much acclaim attending Western Province Meetings. Preston Kelly is a revered member locally having held the Exchequer duties for over a two decades. Locally Brothers from San Diego started getting involved with Community Service. The Annual Holiday Bike drive was started by Brother Raymond T. Robinson while setting on the Board of Directors of the San Diego Jackie Robinson YMCA. Brother Robinson collected used bicycles and stored them in his garage. He would repair them from his own funds and donate them to the YMCA during the holiday season for needy children. After Brother Robinson passed to chapter invisible the Chapter named the Annual Holiday Bike drive in honor of Brother Raymond Robinson. Today Brother Brett Fisher has picked up the torch and the chapter annually donates over one hundred bikes and helmets annually to children in San Diego. Brother Fisher has continually chaired this committee for the past 25 years.
Annually the San Diego Chapter hosts an annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Its proceeds’ go to the Scholarship fund which rewards Graduating High School seniors with assistance to further their education by attending a college of their choice. The Annual Golf Tournament was renamed in memory of several charming San Diego Chapter members LTC Clancy Davis and Bobby L. Hatcher. Their legacies will never be forgotten and The San Diego Alumni is proud to have consecutively held Thirty-Two Golf Tournaments in their memories.
During the 80’s San Diego remained a premier chapter in the Western Province having Brother Doris “Pete” Wigfall (1986) elected as a Province Senior Vice Polemarch. Brother Ricky Hereford served on the Province Board of Directors during the Edgar H. Bishop administration. He also served on the Grand Chapter Intake Committee during the 25th Grand Polemarch Randal C. Bacon administration.
The chapter received formal National recognition from the San Diego Unified School District citing the male mentor Program (Nia Umoja Club). Partnering with Valencia Park Elementary School chapter members during the morning hours mentored young African American boy’s grades 4, 5 and 6. Due to the lack of a male figure in many households the program made a positive impact in the community. Brothers Al Fulton, Jackie Mitchell, Dr. Lawrence Johnson and Brett Fisher to name a few, insured the program’s success for many years.
During this same time period Brother Roy E. Logan a charter member gained much recognition with the chapter’s Scholarship Program. Brother Logan an unsung hero of San Diego Alumni chaired this committee for more than a decade before he turned over the reigns. Brothers Charles Kindred, Samuel Knight, Gary Walker, Ernest Clayton, Jeffrey Jones and Aaron English all chaired the committee which annually recognized high school seniors for their achievement. Six scholarships are presented annually named after the following San Diego Chapter members, James O. Whaley, Atty Bert Richie, Preston Kelly, Roy E. Logan, the Honorable Napoleon A. Jones Jr, and Charlie Carmichael Jr, DDS.
During the 90’s and into the year 2000 the San Diego Alumni has continued as strong chapter within the Western Province. During this time frame the San Diego Alumni was once again as to host the Province Council in 1992. Brother James Hatcher was elected as a Province Board member. During this same time frame San Diego chapter continued to host regularly the Black and White Ball, Founder Day, Sweetheart Valentine Dinner, Holiday Bike Drive and Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Brother Jackie Mitchell was elected Province Senior Vice Polemarch at the 49th Province Council Phoenix Arizona (1996).
In 2001 Samuel B. Knight was appointed and then elected eight times as Province Senior Vice Polemarch. Under Brother Knight’s leadership he propelled the Province in a new light. Brothers from San Diego were recognized for their commitment and service to the Province. Brother Ernest G. Clayton was bestowed the James L Bradford Award at the 60th Province Council Meeting in 2007. Brother Ernest G. Clayton was appointed by the 21st Western Province Polemarch Curtis R. Silvers as the Province Historian and has been reelected at the 61st, 62nd, 63rd, and 64th Province Councils as the Province Historian and served in that capacity at the Fraternities Centennial Celebration.
Brother Frank B. Robinson Jr. a chapter past Polemarch and Delta Epsilon chapter advisor, was bestowed the James L. Bradford award at the 62nd Province Council 2009. Brother Jackie Mitchell was bestowed the James L. Bradford Award at the 63th Province Council 2010.
On October 1, 2009 Samuel B. Knight was appointed as the 22nd Western Province Polemarch by the 31st Grand Polemarch Dwayne M. Murry, Esq. Brother Knight served in that position four years leading the Western Province into the new Century. Brother Ernest G. Clayton served as the Province Historian from 2008 until 2012. His Western Province Historical Display seen at the Centennial 80th Grand Chapter Meeting in Indianapolis portrayed unique Western Province archives and photos. On October 3, 2011, Brother Jackie Mitchell was appointed by the 32nd Grand Polemarch William “Randy” Bates Esq., Chairmen of the Achievement Commission. At the 65th Western Province Council meeting in Oakland California Brother Frank B. Robinson Jr., was unanimously elected as a member of the Western Province Board of Directors. On July 1, 2012, Brother Ernest G. Clayton was officially appointed by the 32nd Grand Polemarch William “Randy” Bates Jr., Esq. as a member of the Laurel Wreath Commission.
On December 31, 2013 the 32nd Grand Polemarch accepted Brother Samuel B. Knight resignation as Province Polemarch and appointed his successor. Brother Knights many accomplishments will never be forgotten, I quote from Brother Knight final letter to the Province:
“After serving as you Sr. Province Polemarch from November 2001 to September 30, 2009, and Province Polemarch from October 1, 2009 until now, I just feel that it is time to go. I have given all that I have to give and I did not want to just "go through the motions". You see Brothers, having a title or office has never been something that I have strived for in Kappa. I just wanted to serve!
Having said that, I would like to thank all of the Brothers that have helped me over the past four years. All of you that served with me as an officer, served as a committee chairman, served as field deputies, served as Chapter Advisors, and served as special appointed admin assistants. But most of all, I want to thank you, the Brothers of the Western Province! Without your help and support, this administration would not have been able to do the things that we were able to do! It is never about the leaders of an organization, it is about those that are out front and those that are the backbone of it! Thank you so much my Brothers! I love you all! Just remember, I will still be around, just going back to work in my local alumni chapter (of which I never left)”.
On January 18, 2014, the San Diego Alumni chapter set the bar high again beginning with the Founders Day celebration held at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego. The 21st Western Province Polemarch Curtis R. Silvers Jr was the guest speaker. Over one hundred and fifty brothers were in attendance including brothers from surrounding Southern California chapters, Long Beach Inglewood South bay, Carlsbad Temecula Laguna, Los Angeles and Phoenix Alumni Chapter.
The 23rd Western Province Polemarch Gilbert D. Brown III and Province Senior Timothy Woods were in attendance and presented Immediate Past Western Province Polemarch Samuel B. Knight with a symbolic gift in appreciation for his service as the 22nd Western Province Polemarch.
Later that evening the San Diego chapter members recognized and honored Brother Knight with a symbolic gift of thanks and gratitude for his loyal service to the Western Province and home chapter “San Diego Alumni”.
At the 67th Western Province Council Meeting in Tucson Arizona March 27-30 2014, the San Diego Chapter was well represented with over fifteen Brothers present and in attendance during Province Council Business sessions and closed banquet. Brother Samuel B. Knight received the James A. Bradford Award at the Council Meeting Closed Banquet. The James A, Bradford Award is the highest Province award given to an Alumni member. Brother Frank B. Robinson Jr., was unanimously re-elected as the Western Province Assistant Keeper of Records and Exchequer.
The San Diego Alumni chapter continued to flourish in the year 2014. Due to the hard work and determination of Brothers Henry Foster III and Donte Wyatt, Esq, the San Diego held an Inaugural ceremony of the San Diego Kappa Leaguers. During the same year the San Diego Alumni Chapter received pending approval from the Internal Revenue Service of 501c 3 tax exempt. The name established and used is called the “San Diego Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Education and Mentoring Fund” 501(c)(3).
The chapter concluded the fiscal year 2014 in Kappa Style with the 60th Annual Black and White Ball held at the Doubletree Hotel Mission Valley Hazard center. Past Polemarch Brother Daryl Forbes served as chairman. Because of his leadership and with the help of the local Chapter of Silhouettes this Black and White was said to be the best ever held here in San Diego. The Annual Christmas Party was held at the home of Brother Samuel Knight and Silhouette. Over fifty Brothers, Silhouettes and guest were in attendance and celebrated the holiday season in good fashion.
At the 68th Western Province Council Meeting Tacoma Washington, Brother Frank B. Robinson Jr, was reelected as Western Province Assistant Keeper of Records and Exchequer.
In 2015, the San Diego Alumni chapter successfully obtained 501c 3 status from the Internal Revenue Service. On December 17, 2015, Officer’s and Board of Directors were elected for the San Diego Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Education and Mentoring Fund 501(c)(3) the first elected officers are: Samuel B. Knight President, Frank B. Robinson Vice-President, Daryl Forbes Secretary, Aaron English Treasurer, Board Directors, Ernest G. Clayton, Jeff Brown, and George Conley.
On September 1, 2015, the 33rd Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr appointed Brother Samuel B. Knight as the Chairman of the Achievement Academy Committee.
On January 20, 2018 the San Diego Alumni held its 68th Annual Founders Day Program at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel Mission Valley. The Keynote Speaker was A. Ronald Barryman, Treasurer of the Kappa Foundation. The chapter had over 75 brothers in attendance.
The San Diego Chapter presented is Inaugural “San Diego Living Legends”, recognition lapel pins and certificates to the following chapter members: Roy E. Logan, Theophilus A. Logan, Raymond E. Smith, Samuel B. Knight, Lawrence “Larry” Johnson, Earl “Coach” Hines and Jackie R. Mitchell.
These members were voted on by chapter members having faithfully served over 30 years as a San Diego financial member and served in positions of responsibility at the local chapter and Western Province level. The Concept was developed by Brother Jackie R. Mitchell and his Living Legends committee. The intent was that the chapter should recognize chapter members while still alive for their accomplishments.
The San Diego Alumni Chapter, Delta Epsilon Chapter and the San Diego Chapter of Silhouettes host the 72nd Western Province Council meeting April 3-7, 2019. The event was held at the Doubletree Hotel Hazard Center in Mission Valley. Over 300 brothers and guest were in attendance. Province Council Chairmen Brother Frank B. Robinson received the Robert L. Harris Esq, Province Polemarch Award for his yeoman’s work in the planning and execution of an excellent Province Council meeting. The award was presented by the 23rd Western Province Polemarch Gilbert D. Brown III.
The San Diego chapter was forced to isolate its membership and cancel its meetings due to the COVID-19 Pandemic during the early months of 2020. The Province Council/MTA scheduled for March 2020 was postponed. Donte Wyatt San Diego Polemarch encouraged that Brothers continue to check upon each other by phone and email during this time. We also support IHQ directives regarding “pandemic social distancing” and “Black Lives Matter”. Still the chapter was able to initiate five new Brothers during these trying times.
Just as our Founders persevered during hard times in the early 1911 with discrimination and racism the San Diego Alumni chapter battled through the pandemic (COVID 19). Throughout the year from March 2020 to April 2021 because of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention restrictions and local health guidelines, the chapter ceased all in person meetings and meet Virtually via Zoom internet platform.
Under the leadership of the Polemarch (Freeman V. Hayes) the Board of Directors and chapter members, we still were able to meet many chapter goals for the year. The chapter membership roster rose to 51 brothers financial. The chapters Foundation continued to raise over $60,000 for its Philanthropic endeavors. The chapter never skipped a beat though these troubling times.
At the 74th Western Province Council, the chapter submitted the name Samuel B. Knight for the coveted Elder Watson Diggs Award. The delegates unanimously approved the Resolution with 95% of the delegates voting in the affirmative. The petition was sent to the International Headquarters and Achievement Commission Chairman prior to deadline April 24, 2021.
The San Diego Alumni chapter meet virtually on April 16, 2021 and voted unanimously the 2nd Class of San Diego Living Legends. Brother Ernest G Clayton, Brett Fisher, Daryl Forbes and Ricky Hereford.
Under the Leadership of Polemarch Hayes, and his administration, the chapter moved forward and announced full participation in the 2022 Membership Training Academy (MTA). The MTA Chairman, Brother Dr. George Conley, Jr. reported twenty-one (21) men were interested in joining Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and eleven (11) of the aspirants were selected to proceed in the MTA process. These eleven (11) men exceeded an approval rating of over 75% when voted on by the chapter membership. On January 29, 2022, the Chapter held its’ Founders Day event at the Marriott Courtyard in Mission Valley, following all COVID 19 safety protocols the event was a success. The chapter membership roster rose to fifty-six (56) financial Brothers as of February 20, 2022. This, at the time, was the largest number of financial members the chapter had in its’ history.
At the 75th Western Province Council in Los Angeles, San Diego Alumni welcomed eleven (11) new Brothers into the Bond, they were named the “Eleven Dreams of Krimson and Kream.” Membership Training Academy (MTA) Chairman Dr. George Conley, Jr. stated, he was honored to see these men join our Fraternity on April 6, 2022. The new members attended the closed banquet, and all stated they were proud to have joined the Fraternity and to have participated in their first “Ritualistic Ceremony.”
On April 23, 2022 chapter members attended and performed a public Memorial Service for our dear Brother Aaron L. English who entered the chapter invisible on February 13, 2022. The 22nd Province Polemarch Samuel B. Knight presented Lisa English a Chapter proclamation and the Robert L. Harris Province Polemarch Award signed by the 24th Province Polemarch Timothy Woods. This award was presented at the 75th Western Province Council Meeting Public Meeting in Los Angeles California on April 6, 2022.
One of the highlights of the Kappa Calendar for Spring 2022 was the 33rd Annual Lt. Col. Clancy Davis, USMC (Ret.) and Bobby Hatcher Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament which occurred on June 11, 2022. The 2022 Golf Committee was Co-Chaired by Brother Samuel Knight and Brother Jeff Brown, III. The event raised $17,110.44 to be utilized for the awarding of scholarships at next year’s golf tournament. The amount raised was the most in the 33 years history of hosting the golf tournament.
The San Diego Education and Mentoring Fund Scholarship recipients were also recognized at the event. The 2022 Scholarship Committee Chairman was Brother Frank Robinson. The total amount of scholarships awarded to ten high school graduates during the luncheon was $38,000.00. The awarded scholarships amount represents the largest distribution in San Diego Alumni Chapter history.
In fall 2022 the San Diego Alumni chapter held its 65th Annual Black & White Ball at the Double Tree by Hilton @Mission Valley Hazard Center on November 12, 2022. The Black & White Ball Committee was Chaired by Brother Jefferson Brown, III. One hundred and seventy-five guests attended the event. The San Diego Alumni chapter bestowed the special Distinguish Leadership Award recognition upon Helen V. Griffith, Ed.D., Executive Director of The Preuss School. A wonderful and festive time was had by all guests.
On March 16, 2023 the San Diego Alumni chapter lost a “Living Legend” Brother Theophilus “Theo” Logan. At the time prior to his death, he lived to be 105 years old just shy of his 106th birthday. Known as the oldest living member of the Fraternity he was a trailblazer within the San Diego Community. The surviving family members and Silhouette Martha Logan received Proclamations from the Grand Polemarch, Western Province Polemarch and local chapter Polemarch Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. He will be truly missed by all.
On April 29, 2023, the San Diego Alumni Chapter celebrated its 73rd Anniversary at Admiral Baker Golf Course. Approximately 70 Brothers, Silhouettes, Sweethearts, and children were in attendance.
One of the highlights of the Kappa Calendar for Fall 2023 was the 66th Annual Black & White Ball which occurred on November 18, 2023. The 2023 Black & White Ball Committee was chaired by Brother Ahmed Wiggins. The gala was hosted at the Town & Country Resort Convention Center in Mission Valley. One hundred and seventy-five guests attended the event. The gala bestowed special recognition upon Monica Montgomery Steppe, County Supervisor, the Theophilus (Theo) Logan Civic Engagement Award recipient and Sarah Pretanvil, Community Care Manager, the Dr. Joe Joyner Community Service Award recipient. A wonderful and festive time was had by all guests.
The 77th Western Province Council was held in Portland Oregon in March 2024. Seven Brothers were present and represented the San Diego Alumni Chapter. Brother Donte T. Wyatt Esq., a past SD Chapter Polemarch and Delta Epsilon Chapter Advisor, was bestowed the James L. Bradford Award at the 77th Province Council in 2024.
On April 8, 2024, Brothers of the San Diego Alumni Chapter gathered at San Diego City Hall to support Brother Henry III Foster as he was sworn in as the City Council Member for the City of San Diego's Fourth District. This is the district where he grew up, where he is raising his children and where he has served in both his professional and personal capacities. Henry Foster is a Past Polemarch of the San Diego Alumni Chapter and an initiate of the Beta Chi Chapter at Hampton University. He is the third member of Kappa Alpha Psi to hold this seat on city council. HERES TO BROTHER FOSTER.
The San Diego Alumni Chapter is proud of the many accomplishments and achievements made by its members, “The Journey Continues.” As we celebrate our Chapter may we all remain safe and keep GOD in our Hearts and Minds.
Your Chapter Historian
Ernest G. Clayton March 2024
San Diego Alumni Chapter-Polemarch’s
1950 – 1953 James O. Whaley
1956 – 1958 George W. White
1960 – 1962 Bert Richey, Esq.
1964 – 1966 Carter C. Smith
1968 – 1970 Noble W. Shade
1972 – 1973 Bert Richey, Esq.
1975 – 1976 Rev. William E. Johnson
1978 – 1981 Richard “Tip” Calvin, Jr
1982 – 1983 George White
1985 – 1987 Earl Hines
1989 – 1991 Jackie R. Mitchell
1993 – 1994 Raymond T. Robinson
1995 – 1996 Earl Hines
1998 – 2001 Samuel B. Knight, LCDR USN
2002 – 2003 Brett W. Fisher
2004 – 2006 Frank B. Robinson, Jr
2008 – 2009 John Al-Amin, Ed.D
2010 – 2012 Daryl J. Forbes
2013 – 2015 Aaron L. English
2017 – 2020 Donte T. Wyatt, Esq.
1953 – 1956 Bert Richey, Esq.
1958 – 1960 Ernest C. Grady
1962 – 1964 John A. Dogett
1966 – 1968 George W. White
1970 – 1972 T. A. Logan, MAJ USA
1973 – 1975 James O. Whaley
1976 – 1978 Edgar J. Hayes
1981 – 1982 Clifton Blevins
1983 – 1985 Rickey Hereford
1987 – 1989 Rufus Purdie
1991 – 1993 James Hatcher
1994 – 1995 Charles Kindred
1996 – 1998 Larry Johnson, Ed.D
2001 – 2002 Earl Hines
2003 – 2004 Rufus Purdie
2006 – 2008 Eric C. Adams
2009 – 2010 Ernest G. Clayton
2012 – 2013 Jefferson Brown, III
2015 – 2017 Henry Foster, III
2020 – 2022 Freeman V. Hayes
2022 – Present Roosevelt L. Johnson